Coordinator(s) | Updated |
Thierry Fichefet / UCL-ASTR | 03/10/2005 |
Note: the list of required variables is not stable yet. You will find in the tables below the variables that are likely to be found in the database, and the variables that were suggested as useful but did not make it to the final list.
Name(s) | Units | Description | Axes | Frequency | DB | |||
DA | MO | SE | AN | |||||
sic sea_ice... ..._area_fraction |
% | Sea-ice fraction | XYT | O | O | O1c3 | ||
sit sea_ice... ..._thickness |
m | Sea-Ice thickness | XYT | O | O | O1c4 | ||
ts surface... ..._temperature |
K | Surface temperature of snow or ice | XYT | O | O | PR | ||
usi eastward... ..._sea_ice... ..._velocity |
m s-1 | x component of the ice velocity | XYT | O | O | O1c5 | ||
vsi northward... ..._sea_ice... ..._velocity |
m s-1 | y component of the ice velocity | XYT | O | O | O1c | ||
[siprod] [sea_ice... ..._production] |
m month-1 | Ice production | XYT | O | PR | |||
hfsib upward... ..._sea_ice... ..._basal... ..._heat_flux |
W m-2 | Oceanic heat flux at the ice base | XYT | O | 01g2 | |||
[siarea] [sea_ice... ..._area] |
km 2 | Total ice area | 2HT | 2H | PR | |||
[siext] [sea_ice... ..._extent] |
km 2 | Total ice extent | 2HT | 2H | PR | |||
[sildarea] [sea_ice... ..._lead_area] |
km 2 | Total lead area | 2HT | 2H | PR | |||
[sivol] [sea_ice... ..._volume] |
km 3 | Total ice volume | 2HT | 2H | PR | |||
[sisnvol] [sea_ice... ..._snow_volume] |
km 3 | Total snow volume | 2HT | 2H | PR | |||
[sifram] [sea_ice... ..._transport... ..._at_fram_strait] |
1.e6 m3 s-1 | Ice transport at Fram Strait | 1T | 1V | PR | |||
Number of variables: 13 | ||||||||
Estimated database size | ||||||||
DA-2Hemi: 5 DA-1Val: 1 | 0.8 Mb / 50 year(s) | |||||||
MO: 5 | 659.2 Mb / 100 year(s) | |||||||
SE: 7 | 9.2 Mb | |||||||
DB STORAGE REQUIRED = 0.7 Gb | ||||||||
Name(s) | Units | Description | Axes | Frequency | DB | |||
DA | MO | SE | AN | |||||
K | Average surface temperature over oceanic grid cells | XYT | PR | |||||
Pa | x component of the surface wind stress averaged over oceanic grid cells | XYT | PR | |||||
Pa | y component of the surface wind stress averaged over oceanic grid cells | XYT | PR | |||||
W m-2 | Net solar radiation averaged over oceanic grid cells | XYT | PR | |||||
W m-2 | Net IR radiation averaged over oceanic grid cells | XYT | PR | |||||
W m-2 | Sensible heat flux averaged over oceanic grid cells | XYT | PR | |||||
W m-2 | Latent heat flux averaged over oceanic grid cells | XYT | PR | |||||
Number of variables: 7 | ||||||||
Variables moved to the Atmosphere Variables' list | ||||||||
snd surface... ..._snow_thickness |
m | Snow depth | XYT | A1a8 | ||||
Number of variables: 1 |