WARNING! The official variables' list is available in the Design/Variables section!
The main table in this page gives an (hopefully) exhaustive list of the variables required by AMIP, GLASS, IPCC and PMIP. The letter in the last column corresponds to the project where the variable is required
Name | Units | Title | |
ACond | m/s | Aerodynamic conductance | G |
albp | % | Planetary albedo | A2 |
albs Albedo |
% - |
Surface albedo | A2 G |
SAlbedo | - | Snow albedo | G |
blh | m | Planetary boundary layer height | A2 |
cl | % | Cloud amount | A |
clem | 1/Pa | Cloud emittance (cloud emissivity/layer depth) | A2 |
clexc | 1/Pa | Extinction coef (cloud optical thickness/layer depth) | A2 |
cli | kg/kg | Cloud ice | A |
clivi | kg/m2 | Vertically integrated cloud ice | A |
clt | % | Total cloud amount | A P |
cltopht | m | Highest cloud top height | A2 |
clw | kg/kg g/m2 |
Cloud liquid water Cloud water content | A P |
clwvi | kg/m2 | Vertically integrated cloud water (liquid and solid phase) | A |
DelColdCont | J/m2 | Change in snow cold content | G |
DelIntercept | kg/m2 | Change in interception storage | G |
DelSurfHeat | J/m2 | Change in surface heat storage | G |
enek | m2/s2 | Eddy kinetic energy | A |
ECanop | kg/(m2*s) | Interception evaporation | G |
Esoil | kg/(m2*s) | Bare soil evaporation | G |
EvapSnow | kg/(m2*s) | Snow Evaporation | G |
SubSnow | kg/(m2*s) | Snow sublimation | G |
SubSurf | kg/(m2*s) | Sublimation of the snow free area | G |
Ewater | kg/(m2*s) | Open water evaporation | G |
Evap | kg/(m2*s) | Total evapotranspiration | G |
PotEvap | kg/(m2*s) | Potential evapotranspiration | G |
TVeg | kg/(m2*s) | Vegetation transpiration | G |
evsps | kg/(m2*s) | Evaporation and sublimation (per unit area) | A1 |
evspsbl | kg/(m2*s) | Surface evaporation plus sublimation rate | A |
evs | mm/day | Surface evaporation | P |
hfcorr | W/m2 | Flux correction (or "adjustment") for heat flux | A2 |
hfls Qle hfls |
W/m2 | Heat flux latent surface | A G P |
hfns | W/m2 | Heat flux net surface | A |
hfss Qh hfss |
W/m2 | Heat flux sensible surface | A G P |
Qg | W/m2 | Ground heat flux (note: hf into the ground) | G |
hur ipccvar hur |
% ipccunit % |
Relative humidity A measure of humidity (mixing ratio, vapour pressure, etc...) |
A I P |
hurdfc | % | Surface relative humidity | P |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Relative humidity (850, 500 and 200 hpa) | I |
hus | kg/kg g/kg |
Specific humidity | A P |
huss | kg/kg | Surface specific humidity (2m) | A |
moa | kg/s | Total relative angular momentum (per unit area) | A1 |
mpuva | m2/s2 | Mean product of eastward and northward wind | A |
mpvhusa | m/s(kg/kg) | Mean product of northward wind and specific humidity | A |
mpvta | mK/s | Mean product of northward wind and temperature | A |
mpwhusa | Pa/s(kg/kg) | Mean product of vertical motion and specific humidity | A |
mpvzga | m2/s | Mean product of northward wind and geopotential height | A1 |
mpwapta | Pa/sK | Mean product of vertical motion and temperature | A1 |
mpuua | m2/s2 | Mean product of eastward wind and eastward wind | A1 |
mpvva | m2/s2 | Mean product of northward wind and northward wind | A1 |
mppta | K2 | Mean product of temperature and temperature | A1 |
mrsof | kg/m2 | Total soil frozen water content | A |
mrro | kg/(m2*s) | Total runoff rate (including drainage) | A P |
mrros | kg/(m2*s) | Surface runoff rate | A |
Qrec | kg/(m2*s) | Recharge (note: recharge from river to the flood plain) | G |
Qs | kg/(m2*s) | Surface runoff | G |
Qsb | kg/(m2*s) | Subsurface runoff | G |
mrso ipccvar mrso |
kg/m2 | Total soil water content Soil moisture |
A I P |
mrsofc | kg/m2 | Soil moisture field capacity | A |
mrsofcs | kg/m2 | Surface soil moisture field capacity | A |
RootMoist | kg/m2 | Root zone soil moisture | G |
DelSoilMoist | kg/m2 | Change in soil moisture | G |
SoilMoist | kg/m2 | Average layer soil moisture | G |
SMFrozFrac | - | Average layer fraction of frozen moisture | G |
SMLiqFrac | - | Average layer fraction of liquid moisture | G |
SoilWet | - | Total soil wetness | G |
mrsos | kg/m2 | Surface soil water content (upper 0.1m) | A |
CanopInt | kg/m2 | Total canopy water storage | G |
DelSurfStor | kg/m2 | Change in surface water storage | G |
SurfStor | kg/m2 | Surface water storage | G |
Dis | m3/s | Simulated River Discharge | G |
WaterTableD | m | Water table depth | G |
orog | m | Model orography | A P |
pr rainf pr |
kg/(m2*s) | Total precipitation rate Rainfall rate |
A G P |
prc | kg/(m2*s) | Convective precipitation rate | A P |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Convective precipitation | I |
prme | kg/(m2*s) | Net surface freshwater flux (P - E + sea ice effects) | A |
prsn Snowf prsnwe |
kg/(m2*s) | Snowfall rate (water equivalent) | A G |
prsnwe | mm/day | Snowfall (water equivalent) | P |
prw | kg/m2 | Precipitable water | A P |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Total precipitation | I |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Daily precipitation variance | I |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Large-scale (frontal) precipitation | I |
ps | Pa | Surface pressure | A |
psbg | % | Pressure surface below ground percentage | A |
psl ipccvar pmsl |
Pa ipcc unit hPa |
Mean sea-level pressure | A I P |
Qa | W/m2 | Advective energy | G |
Qf | W/m2 | Energy of fusion | G |
Qtau | N/m2 | Momentum flux | G |
Qv | W/m2 | Energy of sublimation | G |
rlds | W/m2 | LW radiation downward surface | A |
rldscs | W/m2 | LW radiation downward surface clear sky | A |
rls LWnet rls |
W/m2 | LW radiation net surface | A2 G P |
rlscs | W/m2 | LW radiation net surface clear sky | P |
rlt | W/m2 | LW radiation TOA (OLR) | A2 P |
rltcs | W/m2 | LW radiation TOA clear sky | A2 P |
rlus LWup |
W/m2 | LW radiation upward surface Upward long-wave broadband radiation |
A G |
rluscs | W/m2 | LW radiation upward surface clear sky | A2 |
rlut | W/m2 | Outgoing longwave radiation (positive downward) | A1 |
rlutcs | W/m2 | LW radiation upward TOA clear sky | A |
rsds | W/m2 | SW radiation incident at the surface | A P |
rsdscs | W/m2 | SW radiation downward clear sky surface | A P |
rsdt | W/m2 | SW radiation downward TOA | A P |
rss SWnet |
W/m2 | SW radiation net surface | A2 G |
rst | W/m2 | SW radiation net TOA | A2 |
rstcs | W/m2 | TOA net SW clear sky radiation | P |
rsus | W/m2 | SW radiaton upward (reflected) surface | A P |
rsuscs | W/m2 | SW radiation upward surface clear sky | A P |
rsut | W/m2 | SW radiation upward TOA | A P |
rsutcs | W/m2 | SW radiation upward TOA clear sky | A |
rtmt | W/m2 | Net Radiation at Model Top | A |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Total incident solar radiation | I |
sftgif sftglif |
% | Glacier fraction (expressed as percent) Sfc type % glacier |
A1 A2 |
sftlf sftl sftland |
% | Land fraction (expressed as percent) Sfc type % land |
A1 A2 P |
sic IceFrac seaice |
% - % |
Sea-ice concentration Ice-covered fraction |
A G P |
sicbcs | % | AMIP II BCS Pseudo Sea-ice concentration | A2 |
sim | kg/m2 | Sea-ice mass per unit area | P |
sit IceT |
m | Ice thickness Sea-ice thickness |
A2 G |
snc SnowFrac snow |
% - |
Snow cover (percent area) Snow covered fraction |
A G P |
RainfSnowFrac | - | Fraction of rainfall on snow | G |
SnowfSnowFrac | - | Fraction of snowfall on snow | G |
SliqFrac | - | Snow liquid fraction | G |
snm Qsm |
kg/(m2*s) | Snow melt | A1 G |
snm | kg/m2 | Snow mass per unit area (Not the same snm as above!!) |
P |
snd SnowDepth |
m | Snow depth Depth of snow layer |
A G |
snw SWE |
kg/m2 | Snow depth (water equivalent) Snow water equivalent |
A G |
DelSWE | kg/m2 | Change in snow water equivalent | G |
SWEVeg | kg/m2 | SWE intercepted by the vegetation | G |
Qfz | kg/(m2*s) | Re-freezing of water in the snow | G |
Qst | kg/(m2*s) | Snow throughfall (note: Liquid water flowing out of the snow pack | G |
SnowT | K | Snow surface temperature | G |
SnowTProf | K | Temperature profile in the snow | G |
soatlzm | per mil | Zonal mean salinity: Atlantic basin | A2 |
sogozm | per mil | Zonal mean salinity: global ocean | A2 |
soindzm | per mil | Zonal mean salinity: Indian basin | A2 |
sopaczm | per mil | Zonal mean salinity: Pacific basin | A2 |
so | per mil | Ocean salinity | A2 |
sos | per mil | Ocean surface salinity | A2 |
stfbaro | Oceanic barotropic stream function | A2 | |
stfmm | m2/s | Mean meridional stream function | P |
stfmmcatl | Mean meridional circulation streamfunction: Atlantic basin | A2 | |
stfmmcgo | Mean meridional circulation streamfunction: global ocean | A2 | |
stfmmcind | Mean meridional circulation streamfunction: Indian basin | A2 | |
stfmmcpac | Mean meridional circulation streamfunction: Pacific basin | A2 | |
stfuv | m2/s | Horizontal wind velocity stream function | P |
potuv | m2/s | Horizontal wind velocity potential | P |
ta | K | Air Temperature | A |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Temperature (850, 500 and 200 hpa) | I |
taamzmsd | K | Standard deviation of annual mean zonal mean air temperature | A2 |
tadmzmsd | K | Standard deviation of decadal mean zonal mean air temperature | A2 |
tas ipccvar tas |
K ipccunit C |
Surface (2m) air temperature | A I P |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Daily mean temperature variance | I |
tasmax ipccvar |
K ipccunit |
Daily maximum surface (2m) temperature | A I |
tasmin ipccvar |
K ipccunit |
Daily minimum surface (2m) temperature | A I |
tauu | N/m2 | Eastward surface wind stress (positive for eastward wind) | A P |
tauugwd | N/m2 | GWD induced eastward surface wind stress (positive for eastward wind) | A1 |
tauv | N/m2 | Northward surface wind stress (positive for northward wind) | A P |
tauvgwd | N/m2 | GWD induced northward surface wind stress (positive for northward wind) | A1 |
tnm(r)d | (Kg/Kg)/s | Moisture tendency due to diabatic processes | A |
tnmrc | (Kg/Kg)/s | Moisture tendency due to convective processes | A1 |
tnmmugwd | m/s2 | Eastward momentum tendency due to gravity wave drag | A1 |
tnmmvgwd | m/s2 | Northward momentum tendency due to gravity wave drag | A1 |
tnmmuc | m/s2 | Eastward momentum tendency due to convection | A1 |
tnmmvc | m/s2 | Northward momentum tendency due to convection | A1 |
tnmmutot | m/s2 | Eastward total diabatic tendency of momentum | A1 |
tnmmvtot | m/s2 | Northward total diabatic tendency of momentum | A1 |
tnt tnttd |
K/s | Temperature tendency due to total diabatic heating Total diabatic temperature tendency |
A1 A2 |
tntdc | K/s | Temperature tendency due to dry convective processes | A |
tntlsp | K/s | Temperature tendency due to large scale precipation | A |
tntlw | K/s | Temperature tendency due to LW radiation | A |
tntmc | K/s | Temperature tendency due to moist convective processes | A |
tntsw | K/s | Temperature tendency due to SW radiation | A |
to | K | Ocean temperature | A2 |
toatlzm | K | Ocean temperature: Atlantic basin | A2 |
togozm | K | Ocean temperature: global ocean | A2 |
toindzm | K | Ocean temperature: Indian basin | A2 |
topaczm | K | Ocean temperature: Pacific basin | A2 |
torts | N/m | Total surface torque (including mountain torque) | A1 |
tos | K | Sea Surface Temperature | A2 |
tosbcs | K | AMIP II BCS Pseudo Sea Surface Temperature | A2 |
tro3 | ppmv | Ozone Concentration | A |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Global mean sea-level change due to thermal expansion | I |
ts ipccvar tg |
K ipccunit C |
Ground Surface Temperature Surface skin temperature (i.e., SST over water) Ground temperature |
A I P |
AvgSurfT | K | Average surface temperature | G |
BaresoilT | K | Temperature of bare soil | G |
RadT | K | Surface Radiative Temperature | G |
SoilTemp | K | Average layer soil temperature | G |
Fdepth | m | Frozen soil depth | G |
Tdepth | m | Depth to soil thaw | G |
VegT | K | Vegetation canopy temperature | G |
tso | K | SST over open (ice-free) ocean | A1 |
ua | m/s | Eastward wind | A |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Eastward wind (850, 500 and 200 hpa) | I |
uaz | m/s | Eastward wind zonal mean | A2 |
uas usfc |
m/s | Surface (10m) eastward wind | A P |
va | m/s | Northward wind | A |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Northward wind (850, 500 and 200 hpa) | I |
vas vsfc |
m/s | Surface (10m) northward wind | A1 P |
vaz | m/s | Northward wind zonal mean | A2 |
ipccvar | ipccunit | Mean scalar wind speed (derived from daily or hourly component) | I |
Vorpotts | 1/(Pa*s) | Potential vorticity (350, 380, 405K) | A2 |
wap | Pa/s | Vertical motion (omega) | A |
zblh | m | Planetary boundary layer height | A1 |
zg ipccvar zg |
m ipccunit m |
Geopotential height height (850, 500 and 200 hpa) |
A I P |
ipccvar | ipccunit | height variance (850, 500 and 200 hpa) | I |
GPP | kg/m2/s2 | Gross primary production | G |
NPP | kg/m2/s2 | Net primary production | G |
NEE | kg/m2/s2 | Net ecosystem exchange | G |
Autoresp | kg/m2/s2 | Autotrophic respiration | G |
HeteroResp | Kg/m2/s2 | Heterotrophic respiration | G |
TotSoilCarb | kg/m2 | Total soil carbon | G |
TotLivBiom | kg/m2 | Total living biomass | G |