PMIP 2 and the IPCC Requirements
Except for a few differences (listed in the Output requirements adaptation
to PMIP 2 page), the PMIP 2 project has the same constraints as IPCC. The tables at the end of this page give an easy access
to the IPCC requirements documents, as well as to the NetCDF library
and the CF specification (if you want to know more about it).
You will probably have to read the documents mentioned below several
times when you prepare your data for submission to the database, but
if you are new to this, we suggest you read the documents in the
following order:
- Requirements for IPCC Standard Output
This will tell you what structure your NetCDF file should have, what
your output variable should look like (data type, axes' order,
missing values, ...) and how to define the coordinate variables
(data type, names, units, ...). This document is quite detailed and
also gives you all the attributes you have to associate with the
variables, axes and the file itself, so you don't really need to
visit the CF web site.
- IPCC Standard Output
This document tells you what variables have to be submitted to IPCC
and at what frequency, as well as the normalized IPCC experiment
names. The variables are divided into groups or tables, depending on
the type of the variable (Atmosphere or Ocean),
the frequency (1: monthly, 2: daily, ...) and the
shape or priority (a, b, c, ...).
e.g. A1c = Monthly-mean
(A1c) 3-d (A1c)
atmosphere (A1c) data.
Each variable entry in a table gives you the standard_name
of the variable (as specified by the CF convention, when possible),
the output variable name (the actual name of the variable in the
NetCDF file, that also appears in the file name), the variable's
units, and notes (when needed). These information (except for the
notes) also appear in the CMOR IPCC configuration tables, that you
may also want to have a look at.
Note: be careful that IPCC and PMIP 2 have
some variables in common, but not all! And PMIP 2 do not require the same frequencies as IPCC
either. For the common variables, use the same names and units as
for IPCC.
- CMOR IPCC configuration tables
These tables give the same information as the IPCC Standard Output
document, as well as related metadata information that is required
by the CMOR library (coordinate axes information, sign conventions,
allowed range for the variables, ...).
Note: The PCMDI and the local version of the files listed below
should be the same... but we strongly advise you to always check
both versions and work with the latest one!
Requirements for IPCC Standard Output Contributed to the PCMDI Archive
IPCC Standard Output from Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCMs
History of changes
CMOR IPCC configuration tables
UNIDATA NetCDF (network Common Data Form) library
An interface for machine-independant array-oriented data access
A library for manipulating units of physical quantities
NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention
Overview of CF
Jonathan Gregory
CGAM, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, UK Met
Office Hadley Centre, UK
The CF Metadata Standard
Jonathan Gregory, CLIVAR Exchanges No 28, December 2003