The table below lists the changes made to the PMIP 2 database (most recent change at the top).
Date | Model(s) | Change |
01/20/10 | CNRM-CM33 |
Replaced the incorrect 21K OA experiment (see 04/02/09
entry below). Replaced some O_SE and I_SE variables of the 0K OA experiment that had an incorrect 180° longitude shift and added two I_SE variables. Replaced: *_pmip2_21k_oa_CNRM-CM33*.nc [hfogo,hfo,sos,stfbarot,stfmmc,tauu,tauv,tos,uos,vos, wfo,zmlo] [sic,sit,ts,usi,vsi] Added: [hfsib,siprod] |
04/02/09 | CNRM-CM33 |
Caution: the 21K experiment in the DB is
wrong and is being re-run! The 21K experiment was run with a correct albedo over the Fennoscandian and Laurentides ice-sheets, but the orography used in this region was erroneously the same as for the 0K experiment. The simulation output will be removed from the DB in early may and replaced by the new simulation output later on. |
11/25/08 | CNRM-CM33 |
Replaced the 100-year 0K and 21K OA experiments with extended
300-year experiments, with all the variable types. Removed: *_A_MO_pmip2_{0,21} Added: *_{A,O,I,S}_{MO,SE}_pmip2_{0,21} |
09/05/08 |
Added the FX and SE variables for the 0K, 6K and 21K OA and OAV
experiments. Added: *_{FX,SE}_pmip2_{0,6,21}k_{oa,oav} |
09/05/08 |
CNRM-CM33 NEW Model |
Added the FX variables, and 100 years of A_MO variables for the 0K and 21K OA
experiments. Added: *_A_FX_pmip2_{0,21} *_A_MO_pmip2_{0,21} |
09/04/08 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Added 100 years of A_MO and A_SE variables for the 6K and 21K OA
experiments. These experiments were performed with an improved
version of the model (different closure of the freshwater flux
over the ice sheets). Added: *_A_{SE,MO} *_A_{SE,MO} |
09/04/08 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Completely removed the existing 6K and 21K OA experiments,
before replacing them with a new version (see above). Removed: * * |
09/03/08 |
MRI-CGCM2.3.4fa MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa |
Added 100 years of 0K and 6K OAV experiments. Added: *_pmip2_{0,6}k_oav_MRI-CGCM2.3.4[n] |
09/01/08 | FGOALS_1.0g |
Replaced the rsdt variable for the 0K, 6K and 21K experiments
(variable was correct in the model but had been incorrectly
submitted to the DB). Replaced: rsdt_A_SE_pmip2_{0,6,21} |
07/21/08 |
CSIRO-Mk3L-1.1 NEW Model |
Added 1000 years of A, O, S and I variables for the 0K and 6K
experiments. Notes: see section 1.4 of CSIRO-Mk3L-1.1.pdf for the differences with the 1.0 version. Added: *_pmip2_{0,6} |
07/21/08 | CSIRO-Mk3L-1.0 |
Added 4 A_SE variables for the 0K and 6K experiments. Added: {clivi,clwvi,rldscs}_A_SE_pmip2_{0,6} mrros_S_SE_pmip2_{0,6} |
06/04/08 |
CSIRO-Mk3L-1.0 NEW Model |
Added 1000 years of A, O, S and I variables for the 0K and 6K
experiments. Added: *_pmip2_{0,6} |
04/17/08 | GISSmodelE |
Completely re-added unchanged GISSmodelE to the DB. Added: *_pmip2_{0,6} |
03/28/08 | GISSmodelE |
Completely removed GISSmodelE from the DB. Note: model re-added as-is on 04/17/08. Removed: *_pmip2_{0,6} |
04/13/07 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Added 200 years of O_MO and O_SE means for the 6K OA
experiment. Added: {hfo,sos,tauu,tauv,tos,wfofs,wfo, ziso20,zmlo,zos} |
04/12/07 | ECBILTCLIO |
Added SE means for the tas variable (0K and 21K 0A experiments). Added: tas_A_SE_pmip2_{0,21} |
03/16/07 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Added 200 years of A_MO and A_SE means for the 6K OA experiment
(new experiment replacing the data removed on
03/14/07). Added: * * |
03/14/07 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Completely removed the 6K OA experiment (except fixed fields),
due to a sea-ice related problem and a cold bias. Removed: * |
03/07/07 | MIROC3.2.2 |
Added more MIROC3.2.2 A means for the 0K et 21K
experiments. Added: {hur,prw,ta,tas,ua,va}_A_SE_pmip2_{0,21} va_A_DA_pmip2_{0,21}k_oa_MIROC3.2.2_*.nc |
10/12/06 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Removed hfls for the 21K OA experiment. Removed: hfls_A_{MO,SE} |
09/20/06 | CCSM |
Added 50 years of stfmmc for the 0K, 6K and 21K OA
experiments. Added: stfmmc_O_{AN,SE} stfmmc_O_{AN,SE}_pmip2_{6,21} |
09/20/06 | ECBILTCLIO |
Added 100 years of O_SE means for the 0K and 21K OA
experiments. Added: {so,thetao,uo,vo} _O_SE_pmip2_{0,21} |
07/27/06 | HadCM3M2 |
Added 100 years of O_SE means for the 0K OAV experiment. Added 100 years I_MO means for the 0K and 21K, OA and OAV experiments. Added: {hfogo,sltov,stfmmc} {sic,sit,usi,vsi}_I_MO_pmip2 _{0,21}k_{oa,oav} |
07/20/06 | HadCM3M2 |
Added 100 years of O_SE means for the 0K OA experiment. Added 100 years of A_MO, O_AN, O_SE and I_SE means for the 0K OAV experiment, and of A_MO, A_SE, O_AN, O_SE, I_SE and S_SE means for the 21K 0AV experiment. Replaced the existing O_AN (1 variable) and S_SE (5 variables) means for the 21K OAV experiment. Replaced: {lcarcont,lcarcontpft,scarcont,vcarcont,vcarcontpft} Added: {uos,vos,wfo} * *_O_{AN,SE} * * |
06/15/06 | HadCM3M2 |
Added 20 years of A_DA means for the 0K and 21K OAV experiments. Replaced the 50-year A_SE (and removed the 50-year S_SE means) means for the 21K OAV experiment with 100-year means. Added 100 years of O fields for the 21K OAV experiment. Removed: *_{A,S} Added: *_A_DA_pmip2_{0,21} *_A_DA_pmip2_{0,21} * *_O_* |
06/09/06 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Added 100 years of O_MO and O_SE means for the 6K OA
experiment. Note that these new variables have an explicit 1990-2089 time range in their file name. The other existing * will soon be replaced with 1990-2089 variables. Added: {hfo,sos,tauu,tauv,tos,wfofs,wfo,ziso20,zmlo,zos} _O_{MO,SE} |
04/13/06 | MIROC3.2.2 |
Added the first MIROC3.2.2 files: 100 years of A and O means for
the 0K et 21K experiments. Added: ... |
04/10/06 | HadCM3M2 |
Added lots of variables (67 files) for the 0K OA and OAV
experiments, and the 21K OA experiment. Added: *_A_DA_pmip2_{0,21} *_pmip2_0k_{oa,oav} * |
03/20/06 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Removed rlus for all experiments (due to a
post-processing error, the rlus files were actually
rluscs). Removed: rlus_A_SE_pmip2_{0,6,21} |
03/14/06 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Added 50 years of A_DA means (ta and hus) for the 21K OA
experiment. Added: {hus,ta}_A_DA_pmip2_21k_oa_IPSL-CM4-V1-MR_*-*.nc |
03/06/06 | ECHAM5-MPIOM1 |
Added 100 years of rs{d,u}scs_A_SE means for the 0K and 6K OA
experiments. Added: rs{d,u}scs_A_SE_pmip2_{0,6} |
02/21/06 | ECHAM5-MPIOM1 |
Added 100 years of A_SE means for the 0K and 6K OA
experiments. Added: *_A_SE_pmip2_{0,6} |
02/08/06 |
Re-added ECBILTCLIOVECODE to the database: 0K and 6K OA and OAV
experiments. Note: due to ECBILTCLIO constraints, the 3D variables have not been supplied on the requested levels! ta has been supplied on the 1000, 650, 350 and 100 hPa levels, and ua/va have been supplied on the 800, 500, 200 hPa levels, instead of the requested P17 (SE means) and P3 (MO means) levels. Added: *_pmip2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} |
02/03/06 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Added the SE/MO means of ua for the 6K OA experiment. Added: ua_A_{SE,MO} |
02/03/06 | HadCM3M2 |
Added the A_FX variables for the 0K and 21K OAV experiments. Removed outdated 0K OA MO/SE fields. Make sure you use the latest fields with the 0000-0099 time range (instead of 0000-00{29,59}). The missing 0-99 fields will soon be added to the DB. Added: {orog,sftgif,sftlf} _A_FX_pmip2_{0,21} Removed: *_pmip2_{0,21}k_oa_HadCM3M2_0000-00{29,59}.nc * |
02/01/06 | ECHAM5-MPIOM1 |
Added 100 years of S_SE means for the 0K and 6K OA
experiments. Added: *_A_SE_pmip2_{0,6} |
01/25/06 | HadCM3M2 |
Added 100 years of A_SE, A_MO, O_AN, O_SE and S_SE means for the
0K OA experiment, and for the A_SE, O_AN and S_SE 21K OA
experiment. Added 100 years of S_SE means for the 0K OAV experiment, and 50-100 years of S_SE means for the 21K OAV experiment. Note about the PFT based S_SE variables: an extra variable, pft_description(pft) has been added to these files, and a few existing files therefore had to be replaced. This will maybe be included in future versions of CMOR... Replaced: {cheightpft,laipft,pftfrac,potevappft} {cheightpft,gpppft,laipft,npppft,pftfrac,potevappft} Added: {so,thetao}zm_O_AN_pmip2_{0,21} *_{A,0,S} * *_{A,S} * * |
01/23/06 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Removed 2 DA files that had a zero sized time dimension. Removed: |
01/13/06 | CCSM |
Added some missing zg means for the 0K experiment. Added: zg_A_{MO,SE}_pmip2_0k_oa_CCSM_*-*.nc (time range 0330-0339 and 0340-0349) |
01/13/06 | ECHAM5-MPIOM1 |
Added 40 years of A_DA means, and corrected the pr_A_MO means,
for the 0K and 6K OA experiments. Corrected: pr_A_MO_pmip2_{0,6} Added: *_A_DA_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_ECHAM5-MPIOM1_*-*.nc (time range 0450-0459 to 0480-0489) |
01/10/06 |
ALL the ECBILTCLIOVECODE experiments have been REMOVED and new
and more thoroughly checked experiments will soon be submitted
to the database Removed: * |
01/09/06 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Added 50 years of A_DA means, and 100 years of I_MO/I_SE and
more O_MO/O_SE means for the 21K experiment. Added sit/sic
for the 0K experiment. Removed an obsolete (and duplicate) SST for 21k OA (file added on 05/23/05 that should have been removed on 11/21/05). Added: *_A_DA_pmip2_21k_oa_IPSL-CM4-V1-MR_*-*.nc *_{O,I}_{MO,SE} {sic,sit}_I_{MO,SE} Removed: |
12/21/05 | ECHAM5-MPIOM1 |
Added the first fields of ECHAM5-MPIOM1 to the database. Added: {orog,sftgif,sftlf}_A_FX_pmip2_{0,6} *_A_MO_pmip2_{0,6} *_A_DA_pmip2_{0,6} |
12/20/05 |
Removed the few available variables for the 0k and 6k OAV
experiments and added more atmosphere variables for the 0k and
6k, OA and OAV experiments. Removed: {clt,evspsbl,mrso,pr,ps, tas}_*_pmip2_{0,6} Added: *_A_*_pmip2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} |
12/16/05 | FGOALS-1.0g |
Corrected some variables. Replaced: wo_O_SE_pmip2_{0,6,21} |
12/14/05 | OPeNDAP server |
Some files on the OPeNDAP server were not consistent with the
database and have been corrected. Corrected: {hfogo,sltov,stfmmc}_O_AN_pmip2 |
12/02/05 | ECBILTCLIO |
Completely removed the existing 0k and 21k experiments and
replaced them with new files, which were generated starting from
a more equilibrated state (likely to show little differences for
atmospheric and ocean surface fields). The time-varying fields
are now all consistent with each others. Removed: *_pmip2_{0,21}k_oa_ECBILTCLIO*.nc Added: *_pmip2_{0,21} |
11/21/05 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Corrected cl_A_SE for the 0k OA experiment and added cl_A_SE and
100 years of O_MO and O_SE means for the 21K OA
experiments.. Corrected: Added: *_O_{MO,SE} |
11/07/05 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Added the A_FX variables for the 21K OA experiment. Added: {orog,sftlf, sftgif} |
11/04/05 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Added 100 years of A_MO and A_SE means for the 21K OA
experiment. Added: *_A_{MO,SE} |
11/04/05 | HadCM3M2 |
Added 100 years of A_SE and S_SE means for the 0K OAV experiment,
50 years of A_SE and S_SE means for the 21K OAV experiment, 100
years of O_AN means for the 0K OA experiment and 100 years of I_SE
means for the 21K OA experiment. Added: *_{A,S} *_{A,S} * * |
10/19/05 | HadCM3M2 |
Added 100 years of 0_AN means for the HadCM3M2 0K and 21K OA
experiments and 100 years of O_SE means for the 21K OA
experiment. Added: {hfogo,sltov,stfmmc}_O_AN_pmip2 _{0,21} * |
10/18/05 | ECBILTCLIO |
Added 50 years of A_DA variables, for the ECBILTCLIO 0K and 21K
OA experiments. Added: *_A_DA_pmip2_{0,21} |
10/18/05 | HadCM3M2 |
Added 100 years of A_MO and A_SE means for the HadCM3M2 21K OA
experiment and 20 years of A_DA means for the 0K and 21K OA
experiments. Note: the remaining 30-year means (with a 0000-0029 time range) in the database will be removed later (when all the 100-year means are available). Added: *_A_{MO,SE} *_A_DA_pmip2_{0,21} *_A_DA_pmip2_{0,21} |
10/06/05 | CCSM |
Added wfo and hfo ocean fields. Added: {wfo,hfo} {wfo,hfo}_O_SE_pmip2_{6,21k} |
10/05/05 | FGOALS-1.0g |
Added the complete 0, 6 and 21k FGOALS-1.0g OA experiments to
the database Added: *_pmip2_{0,6,21}k_oa_FGOALS-1.0g[_0001-0100].nc |
09/12/05 | FGOALS-1.0g |
Added the first fields of FGOALS-1.0g to the database Added: *_{I,O}_MO_pmip2_{0,21} |
08/29/05 |
MRI-CGCM2.3.4fa MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa |
Removed SE means for 2001-2050 and 2051-2100 that were identical
and replaced them with 2001-2100 SE means, for the 0k and 6k
experiments. Removed: *_SE_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_MRI-CGCM2.3.4[n] *_SE_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_MRI-CGCM2.3.4[n] Added: *_SE_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_MRI-CGCM2.3.4[n] |
08/26/05 | CCSM |
Corrected the existing rlds, rldscs,
rlus files for the 0k, 6k and 21k experiments. Corrected: {rlds,rldscs,rlus}_A_SE_pmip2_{0,6,21}k_oa_CCSM_*-*.nc |
08/22/05 |
Corrected ALL the existing ECBILTCLIOVECODE variables and added
some 0k variables (that had been submitted for 6k but not 0k). Corrected: {clt,evspsbl,mrso,pr,ps, tas}_*_pmip2_{0,6} Added: {evspsbl,mrso,pr, tas}_* |
08/22/05 |
MRI-CGCM2.3.4fa MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa |
Added (missing) 50 years (1951-2000) for MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa and
MRI-CGCM2.3.4fa for the 0k and 6k OA experiments. Added: *_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_MRI-CGCM2.3.4[n] |
08/11/05 |
MRI-CGCM2.3.4fa MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa |
Added the last 100 years of 300-year long simulations for
MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa and MRI-CGCM2.3.4fa for the 0k and 6k OA
experiments. Added: *_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_MRI-CGCM2.3.4[n] *_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_MRI-CGCM2.3.4[n] The A_FX fields and MO averages of some variables for earlier years of these simulations were already in the DB, and the mapping between model years and file names is listed below:
08/10/05 |
Added ECBILTCLIOVECODE to the database. Added: *_pmip2_{0,6} |
08/08/05 | UBRIS-HadCM3M2 |
Corrected the existing psl MO variables for 6k OA and
0AV experiments (existing files had probably truncated during
transfer and appeared to have no time steps). Corrected: psl_A_MO_PMIP2_6k_{oa,oav} |
07/19/05 | ECBILTCLIO |
The 0k OA experiment has been re-run with slightly different
initial conditions. ALL the previous variables have been
replaced, and new variables have been supplied. Make sure that
you get the latest variables (eventhough the climate is the
same). Temporary bm (bottom moisture) variable has been removed and will be replaced later with mrso. Notes: due to ECBILTCLIO constraints, the 3D variables are not supplied on the requested levels! hus and hur are integrated over several levels, and other 3D variables are supplied on 2 or 3 levels. Replaced: {clt,pr,snd,tas,ts,sos, tos,sit}_* Added: * Removed: bm_A_MO_pmip2_{0,21} |
05/25/05 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Corrected the metadata for 6k OA SE files. Corrected: * |
05/23/05 | IPSL-CM4-V1-MR |
Added the 0k OA experiment and the SST for 21k OA. Added: * |
05/13/05 | CCSM |
Added some ice variables. Added: {sic,sit,usi,vsi}_I_MO_pmip2_{0,6,21}k_oa_CCSM_*-*.nc |
05/13/05 | UBRIS-HadCM3M2 |
Corrected the existing mrso and psl variables, and added mrso MO
variables. Corrected: psl_A_{SE,MO}_PMIP2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} mrso_S_SE_PMIP2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} Added: mrso_S_MO_PMIP2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} |
05/03/05 |
pre_pmip2db NCAR |
Added more data files for NCAR, and moved the experiments to
specific directories (preind, r6k and
rv6k). Added a 6k and a 21k paper in the Papers directory Added: {preind,r6k,rv6k}_{01,02,...,12} |
04/28/05 | MIROC3.2 |
Added to the DB the ice variables that had been rejected because
their input file names were not correct (ice variable with an
ocean table name in the file name). Renamed/added the ocean SE/AN variables that had been considered as MO variables because their input file names were not correct. Removed: *_O_MO_pmip2_{0,6,21} (no time range) Added: {sic,sit,usi,vsi}_I_MO_pmip2_{0,6,21}k_oa_MIROC3.2_*-*.nc *_{O,I}_{SE,AN}_pmip2_{0,6,21} |
04/27/05 | FOAM |
Added the A_FX variables. Added: {orog,sftlf,sftgif}_A_FX_pmip2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} |
04/27/05 |
pre_pmip2db HadCM3 |
Added more variables for HadCM3 0k and 21k. Note that due to an
archive tape mechanical failure, some years are missing for 21k
and the MO variables are supplied with the 0000-0023 and
0027-0049 time ranges instead of the usual 0000-0049
range. Added: *_pmip1.5_{0,21k}_oa_HadCM3_*-*.nc |
04/26/05 | FOAM |
mrso has been removed from the DB because of wrong units
(fraction of the soil water holding capacity, instead of the
required kg m-2). Removed: mrso_S_{SE,MO}_pmip2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} |
04/25/05 | CCSM |
Corrected the 21k orography. Added some 6k land variables and 21k atm variables. Reprocessed all the tauu/tauv variables (most of the submitted variables and been associated with 'A' instead of 'O' variables, and not inserted in the database). Corrected: Removed: {tauu,tauv}_O_MO_pmip2_{0,6,21}k_oa_CCSM_*-*.nc Added: *_A_{SE,MO} {mrso,mrro,mrros}_S_{SE,MO}_pmip2_6k_oa_CCSM_*-*.nc {tauu,tauv}_O_MO_pmip2_{0,6,21}k_oa_CCSM_*-*.nc |
04/22/05 | UBRIS-HadCM3M2 |
Added A_FX variables copied from HadCM3M2 0k. Added: {orog,sftlf, sftgif}_A_FX_pmip2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} |
04/22/05 | CCSM |
Added the A_FX variables, some land variables, and snc and snm atm
variables. Added: {orog,sftlf,sftgif}_A_FX_pmip2_{0,6,21} {mrso,mrro,mrros}_S_{SE,MO}_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_CCSM_*-*.nc {snd,snm}_A_{SE,MO}_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_CCSM_*-*.nc |
04/22/05 | MIROC3.2 |
Added the A_FX variables for 0k. Added: {orog,sftlf,sftgif} |
04/22/05 |
pre_pmip2db UToronto-CCSM1.4 (CCSM1.4) |
The model name used in the file names has been changed from
UToronto to UToronto-CCSM1.4, and the directory name has been
changed accordingly: /home/motifdb/pre_pmip2db/UToronto-CCSM1.4 The 21k experiment was identical to 0k and has been corrected! New variables have been added: the A_FX variables (orog, sftlf, sftgif), clt, evspsbl and psl. Removed: * * Added: * * |
04/22/05 |
pre_pmip2db MRI-CGCM1 |
The existing files were renamed to be consistent with PMIP2 file
names, and moved to pmip1.5_{0,21}k_oa subdirectories. Renamed: icecov_{0,21} >> sic_I_SE_pmip1.5_{0,21} sst_{0,21} >> tos_O_SE_pmip1.5_{0,21} totalp_{0,21} >> pr_A_SE_pmip1.5_{0,21} ts_{0,21} >> tas_A_SE_pmip1.5_{0,21} |
04/20/05 | CCSM |
Added 50 more years (300 to 349) of atmosphere variables for
CCSM. Added: *_A_{SE,MO}_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_CCSM_*-*.nc |
04/20/05 |
pre_pmip2db MRI-CGCM1 |
Added the orography and the land-see mask for MRI-CGCM1. Added: orog_A_FX_pmip1.5_{0,21} sftlf_A_FX_pmip1.5_{0,21} |
04/20/05 |
pre_pmip2db CCSM1.4 HadCM3 |
Pre-pmip2 results have been supplied by Guido
Vettoretti (CCSM1.4) and
Michel Crucifix (HadCM3). They have been stored in: /home/motifdb/pre_pmip2db/CCSM1.4 /home/motifdb/pre_pmip2db/HadCM3 Added: * * *_pmip1.5_{0,21k} |
04/19/05 | MIROC3.2 |
Several atmosphere MO variables had incorrect time ranges and
were replaced. Corrected: *_A_MO_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_MIROC3.2_*-*.nc |
04/19/05 | FOAM |
Added the 6k OAV experiment. Added: * |
04/19/05 | UBRIS-HadCM3M2 |
Added the mrso_S_SE variable and replaced/corrected
evspsbl_A_SE. Added: mrso_S_SE_pmip2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} Corrected: evspsbl_A_SE_pmip2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} |
04/19/05 |
The standard model name for UBRIS-UKMO is now
UBRIS-HadCM3M2. All the existing UBRIS-UKMO files have been
renamed. Removed: *_pmip2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} Added: *_pmip2_{0,6}k_{oa,oav} |
04/19/05 | HadCM3M2 | Added new variables (including A_FX variables) for HadCM3M2. |
04/19/05 |
HadCM3M2 (HadCM3-MOSES2) |
The standard model name for HadCM3-MOSES2 is now HadCM3M2. All
the existing HadCM3-MOSES2 files have been renamed. The time
range in the file name has also be corrected. Removed: *_pmip2_{0,21} * Added: *_pmip2_{0,21} * |
04/15/05 |
MRI-CGCM2.3.4fa MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa |
Added 50 more years of MO averages for MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa and
MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa , for the 0k and 6k OA experiments. Added: *_MO_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_MRI-CGCM2.3.4[n] |
04/15/05 |
pre_pmip2db NCAR MRI-CGCM1 |
Pre-pmip2 and post-pmip1 results have been supplied by
Sam Levis and Akio Kitoh. They have been stored in: /home/motifdb/pre_pmip2db/MRI-CGCM1 /home/motifdb/pre_pmip2db/NCAR There is also a link to the PMIP1 database in the same directory. |
04/15/05 | GISSmodelE |
Removed SE files that contained seasonal means instead of the
requested monthly climatologies, then added corrected SE.
files. Removed: *_SE_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_GISSmodelE_*-*.nc Added: *_SE_pmip2_{0,6} |
04/14/05 | IPSL-CM4-V1-LR |
Completely removed IPSL-CM4-V1-LR model from the database. Removed: *_pmip2_{0,21} |
04/14/05 |
MRI-CGCM2.3.4fa MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa |
Added the A_FX variables and some MO averages for
MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa and MRI-CGCM2.3.4nfa (with and without flux
adjustments), for the 0k and 6k OA experiments. Added: {orog,sftgif, sftlf}_A_FX_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_MRI-CGCM2.3.4[n] *_MO_pmip2_{0,6}k_oa_MRI-CGCM2.3.4[n] |
04/14/05 | ECBILTCLIO |
Added ECBILTCLIO to the database. Added: *_pmip2_{0,21} |
03/23/05 | HadCM3-MOSES2 |
Added HadCM3-MOSES2 to the database. Added: *_pmip2_{0,21} * |